Explore below to find details and to sign up for upcoming events
The Digital Fast Group
March 23 - April 13
Sundays 6:00pm - 7:15pm
On Countryside Campus
Pastor Jon and Leah invite you to join them in a Digital Fast. This group is designed for those who are not in Life Group but would like to see what a group at Countryside looks like on a short-term basis. Also, feel free to join if you are already in a Life Group that is not doing the Digital Fast and would like to participate in a group specifically focused on it.
Childcare is available upon request if needed. You will need to purchase a workbook for $15 (keep in mind each person will need to have their own workbook). Workbooks can be purchased in the church lobby on Sunday mornings leading up to the beginning of the group.
CLICK HERE to sign up
Blood Drive
Monday March 24
1:00pm - 6:00pm
On Countryside Campus
Countryside is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive.
CLICK HERE to make an appointment to donate
Kidventure Plant Party
For Kidventure Kids and their Parents
Wednesday March 26
6:00pm - 7:30pm
On Countryside Campus
Decorate a plant pot and choose a plant to go with it!
Adult supervision is required.
Sign up by 3/17 to ensure enough supplies are provided.
Registration is now closed. If you have questions, please email Children's Minister Amy French at amy@countrysidechristianchurch.org.
Celebrate Recovery
Every Tuesday
6:00pm - 8:30pm
on Countryside Campus
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered 12-Step program helping all individuals deal with life's Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups: Not only alcohol and/or drug addiction but also depression, stress, anger, anxiety, marital, financial concerns, and many more!
CLICK HERE to learn more
Ladies Paint night
Saturday April 5
6:00pm - 8:30pm
ON countryside Campus
Come create with us! Our own fine artist, Don White, will lead the ladies in a paint night. Light refreshments provided. Come, bring an apron if you like, share in fellowship and fun while we learn to make beautiful art.
Please sign up by Sunday March 30 to ensure we have enough supplies and snacks for everyone!
CLICK HERE to sign up
Lunch Bunch
Wednesday April 9
11:30 am - 1:00pm
Hops & Drops
Let's do lunch! This event is presented by the Wisdom Warriors Senior Ministry, but all are welcome regardless of age. Lunch Bunch occurs on the second Wednesday of every month, locations change monthly.
For the month of April, Lunch Bunch will be at
Hops & Drops
6295 Keizer Station Blvd, Keizer
CLICK HERE to sign up
BBC Preview
For High school students
Thursday April 10 - Saturday April 12
BOise Bible College
Boise, ID
BBC Preview is a wonderful opportunity to experience life at Boise Bible College. We will be driving together to the college to check in at 3:00pm (MDT) on Thursday, and checkout is at 12:00pm (MDT) on Saturday. Registration is $80 per student.
CLICK HERE to register
Men's Breakfast
Saturday April 12
8:00am - 9:30am
On Countryside Campus
Connect with other men over a hot breakfast!
If you know a guy who needs to go with you, make sure to invite them to sign up as well!
CLICK HERE to sign up
Women in the Word
Saturday April 26
10:00am - 11:30am
ON Countryside Campus
In this season of Women in the Word, we will be learning to Stand Firm. Once a month, we will gather for fellowship and receive bible teaching from one of our team of teachers.
While each session is a stand alone event, we encourage you to make Women in the Word a regular part of your discipleship.
CLICK HERE to sign up
Kidventure Craft & Create
For Kids ages 4 years old through 5th grade
Saturday April 26
2:00pm - 4:00pm
On Countryside Campus
A childcare-provided event for kids ages four through 5th grade. Sign up to let us know you’re coming! Supplies will be provided. Bring your creativity and wear “play”-quality clothes. Color, paint, design, puffy paint, and more!
Sign up by 4/22 to ensure enough supplies are provided.
CLICK HERE to sign up
Team Countryside Membership Class
Sunday April 27
12:30pm - 2:30pm
On Countryside Campus
Join us for our Team Countryside Membership Class to find out more about what it means to be ALL IN at Countryside Christian Church. Lunch is provided, childcare available upon request.
CLICK HERE to sign up
Keizerfest - Save the date!
Festival | Thursday May 15 - Sunday May 18
Parade | Saturday May 17
KeizerFEST is Keizer's premier event of the year, with a mission to promote and celebrate Keizer as the Iris Capital of the World. Join us on our "Keizer for Christ" mission as we share information about Countryside ministries and services city-wide!
Volunteers Needed, more info to come!
1st Junior Camp
For kids entering 4th-6th grade
Sunday June 22 - Saturday June 28
Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp
$295 per camper
CLICK HERE to register
Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
CLICK HERE to request a scholarship
Middle School Camp
For Students entering 6th -8th Grade
Sunday July 6 - Saturday July 12
Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp
$295 per camper
CLICK HERE to register
Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
CLICK HERE to request a scholarship
First Chance Camp
For kids entering 2nd & 3rd Grade
Sunday July 20 - Wednesday July 23
Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp
$220 per camper
CLICK HERE to register
Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
CLICK HERE to request a scholarship
High School Camp
For students entering 9th -12th Grade
SUnday August 3 - Saturday August 9
Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp
$295 per camper
CLICK HERE to register
Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
CLICK HERE to request a scholarship