Kidventure Children's Ministry

Helping kids know and follow Jesus one kid at a time!


  • Kidventure Plant Party

    For Kidventure Kids and their Parents

    Wednesday March 26

    6:00pm - 7:30pm

    On Countryside Campus

    Decorate a plant pot and choose a plant to go with it! 

    Adult supervision is required. 

    Sign up by 3/17 to ensure enough supplies are provided.

    Registration is now closed. If you have questions, please email Children's Minister Amy French at

  • Kidventure Craft & Create

    For Kids ages 4 years old through 5th grade

    Saturday April 26

    2:00pm - 4:00pm

    On Countryside Campus

    A childcare-provided event for kids ages four through 5th grade. Sign up to let us know you’re coming! Supplies will be provided. Bring your creativity and wear “play”-quality clothes. Color, paint, design, puffy paint, and more!

    Sign up by 4/22 to ensure enough supplies are provided.

    CLICK HERE to sign up

Midweek Program: Kids Club

Wednesday Evenings

6:00pm - 7:30pm

Kids Club is a mid-week discipleship program for kids, from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Kids Club runs through the school year, September - May and follows the Salem-Keizer School District schedule.

Kids will enjoy fun games, worship through song, and hear an engaging Bible lesson each week from members of our faithful KidVenture team.

Wednesdays 6:00pm - 7:30pm

On Countryside Campus


*If you have questions about Kids Club or want more information, email Children's Minister Amy French at

SUmmer Camps

Scholarships are available on a first-come first served basis

CLICK HERE to request a scholarship

  • 1st Junior Camp

    Entering 4th - 6th graders

    June 22-28

    Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp


  • First Chance Camp

    entering 2nd & 3rd Graders

    July 20-23

    Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp