God has gifted you with unique abilities and talents. Sharing your individual skills helps our church family fulfill the mission of helping people know and follow Jesus. Explore the opportunities below and fill out the form to get plugged in to the ministry of Countryside!
Student Ministry
Connect with students, 6th - 12th grade, creating a safe and fun environment for students to feel like they belong and are encouraged to make choices to become more like Christ.
Opportunities to lead on Sunday mornings from 11:00am-12:00am, Wednesday evenings 6:00-8:00pm, and help with special events.
Lifegroup Ministry
Lead - Build community by leading a weekly small group. We can help equip you to lead a Lifegroup- a Bible degree is not required! Lifegroups meet weekly for approx. 2 hours. Must be a Countryside Christian Church member to lead a group.
Host - Serve by opening your home and providing a friendly environment for people gather. You choose what day of the week and time works best for you to host a weekly group, approx. 2 hour weekly commitment.
Children's Ministry
Sunday School:
Invest in the life of a child by teaching or assisting in a classroom. We provide training and mentor teachers to equip you for the best hour of the week! We have 4 classrooms operating during each service. Sunday mornings during service, arrive 15 minutes early.
Give babies and parents peace of mind by being that calm and steadying presence in nursery care. Show our youngest members that being cared for is what church family is all about. Sunday mornings during service, arrive 15 minutes early.
Kid's Club:
Join our group leader team for Kid's Club, the Wednesday night discipleship program for elementary kids. Wednesday evenings 6:00 - 7:30pm on campus.
Worship/Tech team
Provide an atmosphere of worship in both music and service production for in person and online church gatherings.
Worship Band:
We can work with a variety of skill sets. Be willing to put in weekly practice time.
Personal practice throughout the week
Thursday night rehearsals 7PM
Sun morning from 7:45AM - end of services
Audio Techs:
Run sound board during church services. We will provide training.
Thurs night rehearsals 7PM
Sun morning from 7:45AM - end of services
Presentation Operator:
Display slides and media during church services. We will provide training.
Sun morning from 7:45AM - end of services
Video Operator:
Operate cameras that broadcast our livestream church service. We will provide training.
Sun morning from 7:45AM - end of services
FIrst Impressions Team
Greet people with friendly smiles. Mark attendance using our simple check-in system. Welcome members and guests, as well as assist newcomers. Arrive Sundays 20 minutes before service, and be available in the lobby to assist until 15 minutes after service has started.
Communion Prep
Prepare crackers and cups in trays for communion mid-week during office hours (Mon-Thurs 8:30-4:30), fill cups with juice and put out trays each Sunday morning 30 minutes before service starts. 15 minute commitment 1-2 times per week.
New Guest Ministry
Be available to connect with guests during "Intro to Countryside" meetings after service on Sundays, help with distributing gifts to new guests. "Intro to Countryside" meetings happen monthly or less.
Grounds Maintenance and lawn mowing
Grounds: Cleaning (blowing) of parking lot is needed weekly during fall, winter, and spring months. Trimming of shrubs occurs over several days in the spring and fall. Spraying for weeds quarterly is helpful. Some maintenance of our watering system is needed from time to time. Perimeter fencing needs some repair, cleaning and painting. Pressure washing the church building once or twice a year. Cleaning of gutters after leaves have fallen. Some occasional tree trimming. Saturdays 9-11 am for cleaning of parking area. Other activities would be same time but on a monthly or as needed basis.
Lawn: Lawn care including mowing and trimming. Sign up to be included in the rotation, commitment is one hour every 4 to 8 weeks, or fill in as your availability allows.
Office Help
Help with folding and cutting printed materials, and other general office tasks. Cover staff vacations at the front desk occasionally, answering phones and checking emails.
Primarily Thursdays any time between 9:00am and 3:00pm, vacation coverage as needed