Elevate is the student ministry at Countryside Christian Church, reaching 6th-12th grade students in the greater Salem-Keizer area. We are committed to helping students know and follow Jesus, striving to elevate our relationships towards Jesus as we learn more about Him through games, interactions, teaching, singing, and small groups.

Elevate primarily meets on

Sunday at 11:00 in the Student Center &

Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the Student Center.

What to expect on Sundays

6th - 12th grade students come together for a morning snack and to join together with the church body for worship.  Following worship, we head on down to the Student Center  for a video teaching, before digging deeper into the topic in a small group setting.

What to expect on Wednesdays

6th - 12th grade students gather together for our midweek program to play games, hear silly jokes, worship through music, hear a message from our leadership, and break out into small groups.

We will also have special events throughout the year including retreats, camps, and fun events.


  • BBC Preview

    For High school students

    Thursday April 10 - Saturday April 12

    BOise Bible College

    Boise, ID

    BBC Preview is a wonderful opportunity to experience life at Boise Bible College. We will be driving together to the college to check in at 3:00pm (MDT) on Thursday, and checkout is at 12:00pm (MDT) on Saturday. Registration is $80 per student.

    CLICK HERE to register

Summer Camps

Scholarships are available on a first-come first-served basis

Middle School Camp

Entering 6th - 8th graders

July 6 - July 12

Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp


Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

CLICK HERE to request a scholarship

High School Camp

Entering 9th - 12th graders

August 3 - August 9

Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp


Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

CLICK HERE to request a scholarship