Building Community and Pursuing God through our LIFEGROUPS is a vital part of Countryside Christian Church. We utilize these LifeGroups to support one another as we grow in our relationships with Jesus and each other (Acts 2:42-47Hebrews 10:24-25).

We also believe LifeGroups (small groups) were Jesus' model for discipleship to:

  • Connect with others, and develop meaningful relationships
  • Grow in our faith and understanding of God's Word
  • Shepherd those who come, and minister to their needs
  • Hold each other accountable to the work and grace of God in our lives

We believe people best come to wholeness and maturity in Christ through an atmosphere of open and honest relationship. 

LifeGroups serve an important role in our growth in Christ.

Fill out a LifeGroup Interest Form

  • The Digital Fast Group

    March 23 - April 13

    Sundays 6:00pm - 7:15pm

    On Countryside Campus

    Pastor Jon and Leah invite you to join them in a Digital Fast. This group is designed for those who are not in Life Group but would like to see what a group at Countryside looks like on a short-term basis. Also, feel free to join if you are already in a Life Group that is not doing the Digital Fast and would like to participate in a group specifically focused on it.

    Childcare is available upon request if needed. You will need to purchase a workbook for $15 (keep in mind each person will need to have their own workbook). Workbooks will be distributed at the first meeting.

    CLICK HERE to sign up


  • Adults Life Group

    Sundays @ 11:00 Am - 12:00 pm

    On Countryside Campus

    Leader: Kevin Northcott

    Description: Adult Bible Study group that meets during second service at Countryside. We will begin by studying the book of James.

    Childcare: Provided by Kidventure Children's Ministry and Elevate Student Ministry


  • Men's Life Group

    Mondays @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

    HOME GROUP in Keizer

    Leaders: Don Clark and Dennis Hatfield

    Description: Men meeting together to learn and grow. 

    Childcare: None


  • JOY Ladies Bible Study

    Tuesdays @ 10:00am - 12:00pm

    Countryside Christian Church Campus

    Leader: Jodene Summers

    Description: J(esus) O(thers) Y(ourself) - JOY Women's weekly Biblical study.

    Enrich your relationship with Jesus, Others, Yourself in this women's Bible Study with chapter by chapter study as we dig into the scriptures.

    In 2025, discover how the Old Testament is like a giant arrow that points us to Jesus. In this 12 week study, we'll be looking at six chronological sections of the Old Testament and relating those events with the message of the New Testament. 

    CLICK HERE to sign up

    Childcare: Available upon request at sign up

  • Online Life Group

    Tuesdays @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm

    Online Via Right Now Media

    Leader: Doug Hearn

    Description: This group meets remotely online using RightNow Media's "Watch Together" feature. Each session includes real-life conversation, a 10-15 minute video followed by discussion, and prayer time. There is no expectation for members to watch the video before the meeting.

    To join the group, participants will need a RightNow account (link will be shared via email to create an account if needed).

    Childcare: None


  • Lunchtime Lifegroup

    Thursdays @ 12:00pm - 1:00pm

    Online Via Zoom

    Leader: Jon Thompson

    Description: Lunch is always appropriate to bring and eat as our group is called Lunchtime LifeGroup! Our midweek Life Group digs deeper into the previous Sunday's sermon.

    Childcare: None

  • Women's Bible Study

    Thursdays 6:30 - 8:30pm

    On Countryside Campus

    Leader: Jolene Christensen


    We are a group of women who want to pursue God through the Word and encourage each other through the ups and downs of life. A key component to our group is prayer and encouragement throughout the week using a communication app. We are daily witnesses to how God is working in our lives.

    CLICK HERE to sign up

    Childcare: Available upon request

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